The Pledging Process
To qualify as a pledge you must also have attended a minimum of 2 rush events, attend Formal Rush, and show an interest in the chemical sciences.
After being selected to be inducted, the pledging process includes weekly meetings, weekly quizzes, a pledge party, pledge bonding events, and initiation. It is a fun process where you learn more about the fraternity and get to bond with the brothers and fellow pledges!
Total cost for the pledging semester is $375. If the fees prevent you from joining, please let us know. We have scholarships and payment plans that are available to those in need. We want you here!
If you become a brother, the fees per semester are $45.
If you are interested, please contact our Vice Master Alchemist Sam Weinshel (snweinsh@ncsu.edu) for more information.
Becoming a Brother
Upon completion of the pledging process, pledges will be initiated into brotherhood. Brothers uphold professional values and strive for the Three Objects of the fraternity. Brothers also engage and educate the Raleigh community on topics involving chemistry. Read more about what it means to be a brother here.